Before you make any other decisions about marketing or new processes, make sure the customer information you require and keep is necessary. It’s fine to get the email address, but do you really need their social media profile, family history, and social security number?
You need to take reasonable steps to secure customer data, and this begins with limiting how many employees have access to that data. The fewer members of your team can access sensitive data, the lower the risk in case one employee’s credentials are compromised.
Make sure that employees who can access sensitive data have strong passwords. They should be unique, complex, and stored correctly and securely. Having a uniform account policy and using a reliable password manager software throughout the company is recommended.
It is important to use encryption for storing and transmitting sensitive data. Small Businesses can get powerful protection with a VPN such as ‘NordVPN’, which establishes an encrypted connection, reroutes the internet traffic through a remote server and hides the user’s identity.
Data breaches are largely initiated by remote access.providing a user access to a network without them having to be physically there. Instead of opening a lot of entry points, using a VPN such as NordVPN will eliminate this security hole by offering one single access entry point.