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Protecting Your Business Name: Conducting a Thorough Search and Registering as a Trademark

– Naming your business is important, but protecting the name is equally crucial.
– The first step in protecting your business name is conducting a thorough search to ensure it is not already in use.
– Registering your business name as a trademark can provide legal protection and prevent others from using it.
– It is recommended to consult with an attorney to navigate the trademark registration process and avoid any potential roadblocks.

In the wild world of small businesses, choosing a name is just the first step. You’ve got to protect that baby! Conducting a thorough search to make sure your chosen name is not already taken is key. And if you want some real legal muscle behind it, consider registering your business name as a trademark. This will fend off any name-stealing troublemakers and give you some peace of mind. Just remember to have a lawyer by your side to help you navigate through trademark registration – they’ll be your personal name-saving superhero!
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