If you’ve made it this far you might be wondering whether or not you still need to bother hiring a web designer given that so much of the process is now made easy through site builders and plugins and other pieces of software that weren’t around even five years ago.

My answer? It depends on a few things:


What level of expertise do you have?

The first thing you need to consider is that learning a lot of these, no matter how simple they are, will take you a lot of time if it is all brand new to you. This is tempting to a lot of small business owners because it saves you money, but it also takes time away from building your actual business. Choose wisely.

What are you goals?

Are you trying to build a web company that you then sell for £120m (like Moonpig) or just something to keep you occupied as a hobby? If you want to build a serious company then you might want the expertise of someone who has studied it and worked in it for years.

What is your budget?

Your budget has to feature in this decision, of course, and it will be a clincher for many smaller businesses or individuals. If you’ve just launched a business, however, please don’t choose the marketing and web presence as the place where you save cents. That is how you grow. We exist to support small and medium businesses. All our services are affordable for you. We also offer a payment plan option. So, before you embark on the difficult task of website design, get in touch and we can advise you.

What can’t you achieve without a designer?

It’s also important to look at the things you can’t achieve without a designer. For example, do you need custom graphics or logos or animations that you can’t do yourself? Importantly, if you were to download Photoshop and start to do these things yourself, would you be able to achieve anywhere near the quality that a professional could? Often the answer is no.

What could you be missing out on?

The last thing I wanted to mention is that idea that, by doing it yourself, you could be missing out on some pretty serious conversions, subscribers, and sales. The expertise that a professional web designer can bring to a project is often underestimated, so it’s good to try and figure out whether or not you’re making big mistakes by going solo. In our experience most of our clients prefer total control over their business website rather than use a ready to go option. After all this is your business online. Do you really want to look as generic as everyone else?

Last Little Note…

Do you know about SEO? it can set your business apart from the rest, and can help with conversions and sales. This isn’t something that you can easily go down the DIY route on. If you aren’t skilled in this area, we also offer this service. Get in touch.